Polycarbonate roofing

Our staff enjoy sharing their knowledgeable across a wide range of polycarbonate products and can guide you towards the best choice for your application.

Polycarbonate roofing

It can be used to cover outdoor entertaining spaces, or in areas where you want to create a fun and safe place for children to play without feeling like they are indoors!

Polycarbonate is a tough and hard-wearing thermoplastic material. It is lightweight in nature, almost unbreakable and has the capacity to withstand severe temperatures, whether hot or cold, as well as impact damage. Snow, hailstones, rain and skin-damaging UV rays are kept out by polycarbonate roofing.

How We Work

Our team of professionals at Simply Roofing have the skills and expertise you expect. We offer a complete service to local residents, real estates, residential and commercial strata, schools, government buildings, age care facilities, hospitals along with the building industry.


Free consultation


Accurate measuring and qouting


Quality workmanship


Photo presentation on completion


Certificate of warranty workmanship guarantee


Fully Licensed

Every member of our team completes if fully licensed.

Formal Certification 
Every member of our team has qualified from a formal construction certification.

Hazardous Materials Training Every member of our team completes mandatory training to ensure their safety at all times.

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