Vermin Control

Vermin Control

Rats and mice are some of the biggest threats to the healthy living of humans. From spreading various diseases to compromising interior hygiene, the damage due to the pests can be beyond your imagination.

Do you doubt rodent infestation at your property and searching for mice control and rat removal services? Are you searching for advanced pest control for rats and mice as your property is heavily infested by the rodents?

We offer tailored pest control services after completing a detailed rodent inspection at the properties of our customers. This helps us to provide the most effective treatment solutions, not only to address the current infestation issues but limit the risks of future rodent issues as well.

How We Work

Our team of professionals at Simply Roofing have the skills and expertise you expect. We offer a complete service to local residents, real estates, residential and commercial strata, schools, government buildings, age care facilities, hospitals along with the building industry.


Free consultation


Accurate measuring and qouting


Quality workmanship


Photo presentation on completion


Certificate of warranty workmanship guarantee


Fully Licensed

Every member of our team completes if fully licensed.

Formal Certification 
Every member of our team has qualified from a formal construction certification.

Hazardous Materials Training Every member of our team completes mandatory training to ensure their safety at all times.

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